pause in everyday life

Pause in everyday life

We live a life of continuous run, without any pause.We run for work, we run from work, we are always in a hurry and we are always occupied with something.We don’t give time to heal or to rest or take a pause and relax for a while and this exhausts our mind and body.We are humans and not machines and we need some break, some pause from the everyday run if we want to keep our health in a good state.And...

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2020 is not canceled

We have been half past the year 2020 and it still feels like we have done nothing, nothing has happened and nothing is going on.Except one thing, COVID-19/Coronavirus.Yes, amongst the things that come to our mind about the year 2020, COVID-19/coronavirus is certainly one of them.Many people have declared this year as canceled, they have called it the year of the virus, black year, and whatnot.We see...

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Mortal Motivation

Mortal Motivation

We, you, me, I, and all of us are mortal.We all are getting closer to our death every moment.Someone has rightly said that:“Life is a journey from birth to death.”We walk this path, we take this journey once and only once.And our journey called life can end now, today, tomorrow or at any moment.But should this bother us?Yes and in a right way.Read Also: Mental healthWe all...

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Who is your Best Friend?

Friends or rather best friends are very close to us.We always want them with us and we have very fond memories of them.We cherish spending time with them and we are our own selves with them.In this post, you will find your best friend, and not just a best friend but a best friend forever.This best friend will not only be with you in each and every situation but will help you fight through it and give you all...

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